Saturday, November 5, 2011

Author's Purpose

We worked on author's purpose last week. Most of my kids get it until it comes to distinguishing between inform and entertain when the narrative is realistic. I thought I would make a game for them to practice and I thought some of you might find it useful. The first page is a game board, followed by 3 pages of game cards which are all related to Thanksgiving (might as well have them learn some facts while playing!), a page to print on the back of the game cards, and an answer key. Enjoy!


  1. This is incredibly clever, Debbie! Thanks so much for sharing!! I'll be posting the link to your post on my blog's Facebook page this week.

  2. This is great! Thank you so much!

  3. I am going do this with my class for sure.

    Just found your blog. Great ideas!
    Ms. Fiorini’s Stadium

  4. How can I follow you by e-mail?

  5. This is great! My kids love working on author's purpose. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Wow, what great timing! I'm starting Author's Purpose today and it's close to Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing!

  7. This looks awesome!! I would love to use this for my class, but I cannot open the link.

  8. Ashley, I think I fixed it. Please try again and if it doesn't work, let me know. Thanks!

  9. I couldn't download the file because it says the virus scanned failed. Anyone else having this problem? I'd love to use the game!

  10. dkbdfdkm newmj enwbghb eyhwgyegb4r er b bv gtegb bv dsvbdf xcyuf6n duyhxcb

  11. Thank you so much for sharing!!
