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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Teacher Appreciation

Wow! Long time, no blog!  I didn't know realize I hadn't blogged since the beginning of March! I've been out of commission due to sickness, state assessment, and just plain old busy! I figured today, being the beginning of Teacher Appreciation Week, would be a good day to start again. 

First of all I wanted everyone to know I'm joining the sale at Teachers Pay Teachers. Hope on over and check out my products. Several are free and those that aren't are on sale for 20% off (and TPT adds to that discount if you put in the promo code TAD12).  Click here to go my TPT's store. 

Second, I haven't read any blogs in two months either so I missed out on joining the Teacher Appreciation Jackpot. However, I just finished hopping to all 42 participating 3-6 blogs and downloaded a ton of great material! I did hit the jackpot! And my kids will be the winners in the end! If you haven't checked it out yet, click here for Jackpot Headquarters. It's worth the time - but hurry - offers are only good through today (May 6).

And lastly, I want to wish all my teacher friends out there a happy Teacher Appreciation Week. We all work so hard during the school day helping our students in their life journey. Then we come home and spend more time devoted to our students making lesson plans, grading papers, and coming up with activities for our kids. We read blogs combing for ideas to use in our classrooms. These blogs are written by some outstanding teachers who want nothing more than to share their ideas. I feel so blessed to be a member of the blogging community where I am frequently moved to tears as fellow teachers share both their heartaches and triumphs. I find great comfort knowing I'm not alone because, even though we interact with kids all day, teaching can be an isolated endeavor. I find great motivation here on days when I'm tired - finding an idea that excites me and makes me anxious to return to school and share it with my kids. I find great inspiration here as well. So I want to extend a special thank you to all the bloggers out there who do so much for me. They make me a better teacher and impact students beyond the ones they teach; and they do so because they love what they do. Thank you!

I hope every one feels some extra appreciation this week from your students!


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